Honor Guard
Larnell Simpson
Committee Chair
Dennis Dones
Committee Chair
Second District Store
Purpose & Mission
To provide information, guidance and assistance related to Honor Guards for the Memorial Services for Funerals (the “Omega Service”) and the Omega Service itself.
To manage the Fraternity’s Founders Memorial Project to secure the installation of memorial plaques for each Founder.
To manage the Founders Gravesite Maintenance Program to maintain the gravesites of each Founder.
References & Resources
Honor Guard Handbook (controlled document)
Contact the Honor Guard Committee via honorguard@opp2d.org to request access to controlled documents.
Official Omega Attire for Memorial Services
“It shall be the policy that the official attire for all Omega Men is defined as a solid black suit (no stripes or other designs on the suit); a white dress shirt; a solid Royal Purple necktie (no bow-ties or ascots); black socks and black dress shoes. Unless stated otherwise, official Omega Attire is required for all official Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. functions. A Brother not properly attired should not participate in a function calling for Official Omega Attire. This includes functions such as Omega Memorial Services, appearance on public programs, and official pictures.”
See Protocol and Etiquette Manual, drafted June 1, 2012 and revised February 18, 2019
with approved changes made at the January 24, 2019 Supreme Council Meeting
Honor Guard Committee